To export your product list navigate to "Store Operations" > "Catalog" > "Manage Products".

From here navigate to "More Options" in the up right part of the screen > and choose "Export Stock Balance".

After clicking 
"Export Stock Balance" the following pop up window will appear as show below. There will be several options. Choose once you need and click "Submit".

After clicking on "Submit" another pop up window will appear with the f
ollowing text "Export completed successfully and record saved in Alert Module - Products". Close it and navigate to Settings >> Alert Module to download the generated file.

From here select "Product" from the left menu of your screen. At the top of the list, under "Reference" you will see a name that includes the store name you have chosen, date it was Click the eye icon on this record to expand it and you will find a download link for your file. This will download your exported zip file.