Creating Non-Inventory Items

If you have products or services for which you do not track inventory create a non-inventory product to sell them at the register add them to work orders or orders in progress.


  1. Store Operatations >> Catalog >> Manage Products >> New Product
  2. Select Product Class of *non-inventory* product type and attribute set will fill on automatically*. 

     3.Enter a product name and SKU - it can be anything you like.

     4.Enter a cost and price if the item is fixed price - for variably priced services or miscellaneous parts or items use prompt for price. You will be able to enter a different price every time you add a prompt for price item to the transaction.



  • You can add a button on the quick pick panel while you are creating the product by going to the settings tab. Click here for more information on this option.

  • You can allow the product to be sold in fractional quantities , useful for labor charges or items sold by weight while you are creating the product by going to the settings tab. 

  • Use Product Tax Classes to designate whether non-inventory products are taxable or not.


*Only simple products can be non-inventory products and there is only 1 non-inventory attribute set. Non-Inventory products do not sync to Magento.

Organizing Non-Inventory Items

You can change the name of the default non-inventory category from 'services' to anything that suits your business in Catalog >> Manage Categories.

You can create subcategories to the default 'Services' category such as Misc Parts, Labor Charges, Delivery & Shipping Fees, Classes, these will group sales under these categories in reports and allow you to group quick pick panel buttons under these categories as well.