The Magento plugin for MicroBiz cloud helps your MicroBiz application communicate with your Magento web site. It also adds certain fields to your product and customer records to provide UI options to replicate products and customers from Magento to MicroBiz.
Basic Sync Settings in Magento
Magento Sync Settings
So you have a Magento site - great! You'll need to decide about some settings. Most of these settings are in MicroBiz >> Linked Apps >> Magento API >> API Settings or in Magento >> Admin >> MicroBiz POS >> Configuration
Sync Products? Most people want to create products once and have them sync between MicroBiz and Magento. You can create products in either MicroBiz or Magento or both. There are 2 steps
- In API settings turn on Sync Products - there are separate settings for MicroBiz->Magento and Magento -> MicroBiz.
- In Create/ Edit Product in MicroBiz there is a 'Sync to Magento' field and in Magento there is a 'Sync to MicroBiz' field. Supporting data like attribute sets and attributes will also sync if you set the 'Sync to ..' field to yes.
- Sync Customers? - limitations here are that MicroBiz doesn't require you to enter phone, email and full address but Magento does - so Magento will reject records it considers incomplete. To sync items there are 2 steps:
- In API settings turn on Sync Customers - there are separate settings for MicroBiz->Magento and Magento -> MicroBiz.
- In Create/ Edit Customer in MicroBiz there is a 'Sync to Magento' field and in Magento there is a 'Sync to MicroBiz' field.
- Inventory - there are a 2 inventory update options that can be set independently..
Sync MicroBiz Stock Balance -> Magento
- Set the API Inventory Sync settings to yes and indicate which stores inventory to include in the web site inventory.
- The product itself has to be synced before an inventory update will sync (See Sync Products? above)
Update MicroBiz Stock Balance when you sell items in Magento
- This option is used when you do not want to sync the orders back to MicroBiz - it requires the user to select a MicroBiz ship from store on the Magento Order ship screen. To use this:
- MicroBiz Set API Sync Inventory Magento -> MicroBiz set to yes
- Magento >> MicroBiz Config > Set Select MicroBiz ship from store to yes.
- If you do not want to share inventory - for instance if your Magento orders are filled from a non-MicroBiz location you do not need to Sync stock to or from Magento.
Sync MicroBiz Stock Balance -> Magento
- Orders - If you create a virtual store/sales channel and define it as your Magento web site your Magento orders appear in your MicroBiz system when they are new and update to complete when they are shipped and invoiced in Magento. Complete orders show up as sales in inventory reports.
- Send new and completed orders to MicroBiz - easy for clerks to see and prepare orders
- Magento Orders show as sales in your MicroBiz Reports
- You can define your Magento stores as separate sales channels in MicroBiz for separate reporting and default ship from locations.
- Ship from store automatically deducts from default ship store (you can transfer goods to adjust stock when you fill the order from another location)
- Set up
- Create a Virtual Store/Sales Channel in Manage Stores and select your web site.
- From your Magento Admin Panel >> MicroBiz >> Configuration set Sync Orders to yes.
- Gift Cards - You can sell and allow your customers to redeem your Gift Cards on your Magento site. Gift Cards sold on line work in the store and cards sold in store work on line. Available Gift Cards in your MicroBiz system are visible on your web site and users can purchase them as if they were in store. Set up:
- Make sure your gift cards have a pin defined for security in MicroBiz >> Store Operations >> Sales >> Manage Gift Card Ranges
- Magento Admin Panel >> MicroBiz POS >> Configuration you'll find control to allow both the sale and redemption of gift cards on your site.
- Store Credits - you can allow your web customers to use store credits as payment on your Magento site as well in Magento Admin Panel >> MicroBiz POS >> Configuration.
Sync Limitations
- Attribute set must be set to Sync = yes and saved before you sync products using that attribute set.
- Pictures are not synced between MicroBiz and Magento at this time.
Are you importing products into MicroBiz from your old POS system and syncing data from your Magento site?
You will need to consider whether duplicates exist between the two system and decide how to omit one of the duplicates - typically the SKU is used to skip importing the product from file and teh product is imported from Magento.
Do you have a new Magento site with no products?
Entering the products in MicroBiz is often faster if you have a lot of configurable items and these products can be synced to your Magento site.
Importing Product into MicroBiz from your Magento Site
- These products are often missing UPC, Supplier and cost you may want to import those with a simple csv of SKU,cost,supplier,upc.
- Other fields you may want to add are restock levels and stock balances.
- You can import your Magento stock balance to MicroBiz
Settings that Control Inventory Updates
- Admin Panel >> MicroBiz POS >> Configuration
Virtual Store/Sales Channel works along with the following setting to determine whether you MicroBiz inventory is updated by web sales.
Virtual Store Sales Channel Created
Allow Store Selection on Shipment Yes | -setting not allowed | Inventory in MicroBiz updated for selected store. |
Allow Store Selection on Shipment No | Inventory in MicroBiz updated for default ship from store (setting is in Manage Stores for virtual store) | MicroBiz Inventory not updated. |
If you fill an order from a store other than the default store transfer the goods from the fill store to the default ship store to correct the stock balance in both stores.
Settings in MicroBiz
- Store Operations >> Linked Apps >>>Magento Instance >> Magento API Settings
- The Inventory setting overwrites the Magento inventory whenever the stock balance for an item changes in MicroBiz. The Magento stock balance can be made up of any number of your MicroBiz stores. If Product Sync Status is not selected your Magento inventory will not be updated by MicroBiz.