The catalog menu let's you define all the items and services you sell through all your channels. Suppliers, Categories, Attributes and Brands all help you stay on top of your inventory. Fused Retail follows the Magento model of high flexibility so you can create custom attributes and attribute sets that let you sell and track inventory in ways that make sense to you and your customers.
Products can be 'simple' like a book or a bicycle pump, configurable (made of more than 1 simple products) like an item that comes in sizes or colors. Simple products also come as inventory and non-inventory products. Inventory products are tracked. MicroBiz Cloud monitors how many are in stock, whether any are committed to work orders or special orders. It reduces stock when you sell them and calculates your profit and return on investment for these items. Non-inventory products are items you choose not to track - either because they are not physical goods - like labor charges and delivery fees - or because they are not worth tracking (in your opinion) like maybe those trade in bikes stacked in the basement.
- How do I set a product so it can't be discounted? - Manage Product >>Settings tab - check the Do Not Discount checkbox.
- How do I set a product so it cannot be returned? - Manage Product >>Settings tab - uncheck the Accept Returns checkbox.
- How do I set a product so it prompts for a price at the Front Register? - (non-inventory items only) check the Prompt for Price checkbox.
- How do I set up a product so I can scan it at the Front Register? - if the item has a barcode on it already enter that value in the manufacturer UPC field in the Alternate ID tab for the item. Or print a barcode withe the SKU on it. Any of the ID fields if printed as a barcode will scan from the scan panel throughout the application.
- How do I set my beginning stock balance and value for an item? In Manage Products Inventory tab you can set the stock beginning balance (and value) but only until you begin to sell or otherwise move the inventory. If you need to add stock you can create a supplier shipment or make an inventory adjustment.
- How do I import items?
- How do I put an item 'On Sale'? - You can create a promotion that includes the item. You can use %off,$off or new price. If the markdown is permanent you can change the price from manage products.
- How do I set an item as discontinued by the supplier?
- How do I set up an item with more than 1 supplier?