Inventory Overview
Inventory provides you the ability to receive supplier & distributor shipments, track supplier and distributor orders and adjust your inventory levels.
Settings That Affect This
Store Operations >> System >> Admin Settings >> Purchase Order/Supplier Settings
- Default Start Ship Today plus(days)
- Default Cancel Start Ship plus(days)
- Default Ship Via
- Default Order Placed Via
- Default Expected Start Ship plus
- Default PO Terms
Catalog >> Manage Suppliers >> Supplier Settings
- Minimum Order - dollar amount minimum supplier order.
- Default Payment Terms
- Submit Order Via
- Supplier Expected Date Default (estimate arrival date)
- This Supplier is a Distributor - setting a supplier as a distributor means any item in your MicroBiz system can be ordered from this supplier. (if you want to restrict this see alternate suppliers below).
Catalog >> Manage Products >> Product Settings/Alternate ID's
- Minimum Supplier Order Qty - for that item minimum qty that can be ordered.
- Discontinued - item can be sold,shipments received and so forth but can no longer be placed on a new purchase order.
- Alternate Supplier - enter alternate suppliers from which item can be ordered or received. Optional alternate price and item ID can be entered as well.