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Before we create a configurable product we need to create the attributes and attribute sets that will apply to our configurable product. What do attributes do? Attributes can be used to provide consumer choices such as: colors, sizes, logo, etc. They can also be used by consumer to filter products on your web site by: material, origin, fuel, etc. First we need to create an attribute. To do so, let’s navigate to “Catalog”>”Attributes”>”Manage Attributes” as shown below.
To create a new attribute, click on “New Attribute”. The Frontend Label is for the Name of the attribute, assign it a name. Field type specifies what type of display the attribute will take. The types are:
Text Field: A one-line input field that a user can enter text into. For example, an Attribute that might be used for Model Type.
Text Area: This is similar to a Text Field but offers the option to input more content in a paragraph format versus just on a single line.
Date: This is simply a date (for example, this could be used for release dates)
Yes/No: This is a check box that can either be selected or cleared.
Dropdown: This create a drop-down list with pre-selected values that you can define in the “Manage Label/Option tab when creating your attributes.
Multiple Select: This is similar to the previous Dropdown input type but also enables you to select more than one option.
Price: This is used to identify prices used in Magento that are not recognized in Fused.
Once you have filled in the type you would like, depending on the option selected, you will be presented with an additional prompt for “Is Configurable”. For now, we won’t be using this option so leave this as “No”. Setting this to “Yes” will allow for you to choose a configurable attribute role such as “Size”, “Color”, etc. The “Is Required” field essentially asked whether or not this attribute is required to have an entry before creating the product. We can leave this as “No” for now.
If we navigate to the “Manage Labels & Options” menu, this is where we can setup the options related to our attribute as shown below.