Please check your Magento install for the following requirements.
· Check your Magento Version – Magento Community Versions 1.6,1.7,1.8 and 1.9 are supported.
· Check that Magento Community Channel is Installed
· Steps to check community channel is installed or not
· System->Magento Connect->Magento Connect Manager
· Login with the magento admin credentials
· check under "Manage Existing Extensions "->It will show all the existing extensions(both magento and third party extensions)
· Steps to install the community channel
· Below are the commands to install magento community channel in root location of the magento instance
using terminal
./mage mage-setup
./mage channel-add
- Soap – PHP Soap Module is installed and configured check in PHP server info
- We need cUrl Module installed(Check in PHP server info
- If you are using Compilation please disable it during the installation. You will need to recompile when the installation is complete.
Once you are certain your website meets these requirements
· Please Backup your web site and web site database – this is recommended prior to the install of any plugin.
Installing MicroBiz Plugin through Magento Connect
- Magento Admin >> Magento Connect >> Magento Connect Manager
- Login In to Connect Manager
- Un-check "Put store on the maintenance mode while installing/upgrading/backup creation"
- Use Direct Package File up load >> Choose File
- Select Microbiz plugin tar file
- Upload
- Click on return to admin
- Clear cache and run re-index
- Contact Support to Configure Plug In to Connect with your MicroBiz Instance
If you do not want to install Magento Connect
If your web developer does not want to activate Magento Connect the plugin can be installed manually.
Manual File Level Install - Option 1
1. Extract the Plugin(MicroBiz_Connector-0.1.2.tgz) into local System. We will Find two Folders app andJs .
2. Go to Magento ROOT Folder(Where app and index.php files located)
3. Go to app/code/local location in both local and Server. Upload Microbiz folder(with all files and foldes inside) from local server to Magento Server.
4. Go to app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template location in both local and Server. UploadConnector folder(with all files and foldes inside) into Magento Server.
5. Go to app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout location in both local and Server. Upload Connector.xml file into Magento Server.
6. Go to app/design/frontend/base/default/template location in both local and Server. Upload Connector folder(with all files and foldes inside) into Magento Server.
7. Go to app/design/frontend/base/default/layout location in both local and Server. Upload Connector.xml file into Magento Server.
8. Go to app/etc/modules location in both local and Server. Upload Microbiz_* files into Magento Server.
9. Go to js location in both local and Server. Upload jquerylib folder (including all files and folders) into Magento Server.
Manual File Level Install - Option 2
1. Go to Magento root directory in server
2. upload MicroBiz_Connector-0.1.2.tgz to Magento root Directory.
3. Extract the uploaded File in Magento root Directory. Files will be move to respective directories.
Note: Plugin Name will change based on version number.