
Discount Reason Report provides a way to review total front register discounts as well as reviewing discounts for each cashier in total and at the transaction level. 

Detail Levels
  • Store
  • Register
  • Register,Cashier
  • Transaction (Receipt ID/Trans Date) ,Cashier

  • Stores �- Select any stores or all
  • Date Range -Standard portlet date range selections.
  • Select Promo �- Select all or any individual promos. Promos have to be active within the report date range selected to be on the list. �all� implies only promotions active within the date range. 

Report Fields

  • DiscReason - Discount Reason Name
  • %Disc - Total percent discount for all transactions (total qty sold * retail price -selling price) / (total qty sold * retail price) expressed as a percent.
  • $Disc  Total - Discount for all transactions total qty sold * (retail price -selling price)
  • Sold@Disc - Number of items sold at a discount
  • DiscTrans - Number of transactions on which discount reason was applied

Other Options
  • Export CSV
  • Export PDF