Export Options Web Developers only
Manual File Level Install - Option 1
1. Extract the Plugin(MicroBiz_Connector-0.1.2.tgz) into local System. We will Find two Folders app and Js .
2. Go to Magento ROOT Folder(Where app and index.php files located)
3. Go to app/code/local location in both local and Server. Upload Microbiz folder(with all files and folders inside) from local server to Magento Server.
4. Go to app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template location in both local and Server. UploadConnector folder(with all files and foldes inside) into Magento Server.
5. Go to app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout location in both local and Server. Upload Connector.xml file into Magento Server.
6. Go to app/design/frontend/base/default/template location in both local and Server. Upload Connector folder(with all files and foldes inside) into Magento Server.
7. Go to app/design/frontend/base/default/layout location in both local and Server. Upload Connector.xml file into Magento Server.
8. Go to app/etc/modules location in both local and Server. Upload Microbiz_* files into Magento Server.
9. Go to js location in both local and Server. Upload jquerylib folder (including all files and folders) into Magento Server.
Manual File Level Install - Option 1
1. Go to Magento root directory in server
2. upload MicroBiz_Connector-0.1.2.tgz to Magento root Directory.
3. Extract the uploaded File in Magento root Directory. Files will be move to respective directories.
Note: Plugin Name will change based on version number.