Catalog Basics

  • ?Products can be created in either MicroBiz or Magento. 

  • If Sync to Magento = yes in MicroBiz the product will be created in Magento and linked so that updates and inventory balances are sent from MicroBiz to Magento.

  • If Sync to MicroBiz = yes in Magento  the product will be created in MicroBiz and linked so that updates and inventory balances are sent from MicroBiz to Magento.

  • Only simple and configurable products can be synced.

  • The attribute set used to create the products has to say Sync to Magento = yes or Sync to MicroBiz = yes for the products to sync.

  • Do not use the MicroBiz Inventory attribute set - those products do not sync.

Inventory Basics

  • You can choose to sync your MicroBiz inventory to your Magento web site or not.

  • You can independently decide whether your web sale will deduct from your MicroBiz inventory.

  • MicroBiz inventory over writes your Magento inventory when it syncs.

  • Editing your Magento inventory is ignored by MicroBiz so don't do it if you are syncing the inventory.

  • If you have more than 1 store or warehouse location you can select which stores inventory are used to make up your Magento stock balance.