Allowable Changes to Open PO's
Sometimes after your purchase order has already been transmitted to the supplier something changes. The supplier calls to say something has been delayed by the factory or customs or that extra allocations of items have opened up or that special pricing is available for additional quantities of goods during a certain shipment period and so forth. To handle these changes and the changes that arise when goods are substituted and so forth certain edits to the purchase orders (and supplier shipments) are allowed. However, not all retailers are comfortable with this notion and whether you need this feature often depends on the nature of your business. There are settings to disallow this flexibility and if you wish to restrict this feature see the settings information at the bottom of this page.
After you make your changes you must re-save the PO. You will get an alert telling you you are altering an open order at which point you can save or discard your changes.
Changing the quantity of an on order item - any item on the purchase order in a draft or on order state can be increased or decreased. This is not permitted for closed purchase orders or closed lines on a purchase order.You can add a line for the same item to the PO if you accidentally closed a line. Simply select the line and use the Action Menu Item Edit button or double click the line to enter the edit mode.
Changing the cost of an on order item - you can edit the cost on any line on the purchase order in a draft or on order state. This is not permitted for closed purchase orders or closed lines on a purchase order. You can update the replacement cost on the product record at the same time by checking the update product cost box.Simply select the line and use the Action Menu Item Edit button or double click the line to enter the edit mode.
Add an Item to a PO - use the scan panel or find function to add lines to the purchase order.
Cancel a Line on a PO - any line on the purchase order in a draft or on order state can be canceled. Use the Action Menu >> Tools >> Close Selected Lines.
Cancel a PO - any PO in a draft or on order state can be canceled you cannot close a partially received against PO you must close individual lines.Action Menu >> PO >> Cancel PO.
Settings That Affect This
System >> Admin Settings >> Purchase Order
- Allow Changes to Completed Supplier Shipments
- Allow Changes to Open Purchase Orders.