
This module provides special pricing based on customer type.Key features include

  • The special price can be set at the product level.

  • To make data entry easier you can set up a default discount rate in Manage POS Customer Types for each main category for Inventory and Non-Inventory products. New products will automatically get the customer pricing assigned. This can be activated for each customer type individually.

  • You can create as many POS Customer types as you like such as one for wholesale customers, employees, loyalty club members and so forth.

Types of Pricing 
  • % Discount - percent off retail price.

  • $ Discount - amount off retail price

  • New Price - enter the customer price directly

  • Cost Plus $ - it will add this amount to the replacement cost

  • Cost Plus % - it will charge replacement cost plus this percent of replacement cost - so a replacement cost of $50.00 with cost plus 10% will charge $55.00 to this customer type.

The most common uses for this feature:

  • Wholesale Pricing - create a customer type for wholesale buyers like 'Wholesale', 'Contractor' and so forth. Any customers with this customer type will get this pricing.

  • Member Pricing - memberships like museums, sports leagues, loyalty programs can be given special; pricing in this way.

  • Employee Pricing - create your employees as customers and assign them to a customer type to provide special pricing

Pricing can be set up item by item and maintained in Catalog >> Manage Products >> Edit Product >> Pricing Tab.

  • Product Do Not Discount flag takes precedence over customer pricing rule. Do not discount items will therefore not be affected by customer price rules.

  • Customer pricing is checked first before promotions. Stop action on customer pricing is respected.  If stop is no and a promotion applies and promotional price provides additional discount then it is applied but note that promotion is based on regular price not the customer pricing.

  • Markdowns  Markdowns are still reported as the difference between the tax exclusive regular price and the tax exclusive price charged on the receipt. 

  • Promotions - Promotional discounts are still taken on the regular retail price.

  • General Discounts are applied to the price on the transaction – whether that is the customer pricing level, regular price or promotional price.

  • Items being sold at customer discount that already surpass the max discount rule will be prevented from further discounts using general discounts.

Setting up the Default Pricing

Default Pricing when activated automatically enters a customer price when new items are created in MicroBiz. This feature is optional and you can choose to enter customer pricing one item at a time.

  • Customers >> Manage POS Customer Types >> Select a Customer Type to Edit

  • Go to Customer Pricing Tab and enter the default Discount Types and Amounts for each new SKU created in the categories listed.

  • Pricing can be limited - any of your stores can be included or excluded.

  • Click the Enable Default Customer Pricing.

  • Save!

  • New Products will automatically be assigned the pricing you specified.

  • Customers >> Manage POS Customer Types >> Edit or create a New Customer Type

  • Go to the Customer Pricing Tab

  • For each Main Category you can assign the same or different automatic discounts 

  • Check the enable default pricing and new products will get assigned customer pricing automatically.

Editing the Price on the Product Record

  • From the Pricing Tab click on customer pricing 

  • Enter Discount Types and Amounts for each POS Customer Type that should receive special pricing.

  • Pricing can be limited - any of your stores can be included or excluded.

  • Save!

Use Customer Alternate ID!

Tip! You can create Customer Alternate ID's to track membership id's employee ids and wholesale customer accounts. Scan or enter this number in the customer search panel at the register or on an order and the customer is automatically added to your transaction. Combine this with customer pricing and wholesale accounts, club members and employees are easy to ring up with the correct pricing.