Create New Supplier
Suppliers are vendors, companies and people that sell you goods (inventory) at wholesale to sell on line or in your stores.
- Store Operations >> Catalog >> Manage Suppliers >> Add Supplier:
- Provide a short display name - say NFACE instead of North Face as a quick way of entering the supplier on a shipment and a short version of the name on reports.
- Provide the full supplier name and any other information about the supplier.
- Save
Other Settings that may be helpful:
- Account Number - this is the retailers account id that the supplier uses - will be on PO.
- Accounting ID - This is the suppliers ID in your accounting system (Quickbooks/Xero) it is used to post AP Bills when supplier shipment is received if integration with accounting is active.
- Default Payment Terms -
- Customer Drop Ship OK (Special Orders Module coming soon)
- Submit Orders VIA - default purchase order print option (print/email).
- Supplier Shipment Expected Date - uses Start Ship or Cancel to estimate the arrival date of the shipment. Fill sin field on PO and used in inventory analysis report to estimate shipment arrival and resulting inventory levels.
- Supplier is a Distributor - There are 2 basic types of supplier in MicroBiz Cloud: Distributors and well non-distributors or regular suppliers. There is almost no difference, really. The designation is there to simplify your work. If a Supplier is not a distributor then filtering items for a Purchase Order or Supplier Shipment will only show items for that supplier. If the supplier is a distributor all items are shown.
- Supplier Logo - logo will display in Purchase Order and Supplier Shipment modules.
Additional Info
- You can save any number of contacts on the vendor record - that way you can have separate addresses for billing, shipping and sales.
- You can attach any number of notes to the supplier giving you a simple place to store any special instructions or promises with regard to your account or ordering process.
- Payment Terms can be created on the fly from within the Supplier Record if you need them.