
  • You can choose to create new items in MicroBiz or Magento.
  • You do not have to be consistent - you can create some items in MicroBiz and some in Magento.
  • There are specific check-boxes in the MicroBiz settings tab that control whether the product is created and enabled in Magento.
  • There are specific combo-boxes in the Magento General tab that control whether the product is created and enabled in MicroBiz.
  • For your product to be visible 'for sale' on your Magento site it must be enabled and in stock and be assigned to at least one category so it has somewhere to show up. 

Replication & Enabling/Disabling Status When Creating Items

Enabling a Catalog Item in MicroBiz or Magento means its visible to users and customers and can be sold, ordered and so forth. Disabling the item makes it more or less invisible under most circumstances. You can enable and disable items as many times as you like. When you first create an item you can control both whether the item is replicated and whether the item is visible.

To enable or disable products directly in MicroBiz or Magento use the settings in the locations below.


Edit Catalog Item >> Settings Tab (on the right)


Edit Catalog Item >> General Tab (way at the bottom)

Of course you can always log into Magento and disable the item directly. Likewise you can disable the item in MicroBiz.

Enable / Disable Items


  • You can only disable items that have no stock in all stores.

  • Disabling/Enabling the parent configurable item in MicroBiz will Disable/Enable all the associated simple items.

Manage Web Stock Levels

There are several settings that will effect your Magento stock levels

  • Is the item in stock in MicroBiz and are the MicroBiz stores with stock pushing their stock levels to Magento?


Edit Catalog Item >> Web Tab


Edit Catalog Item >> Inventory Tab

Your Stores and Your Web Site Inventory

The Magento API Settings Inventory Sync can be turned on or off independent of whether you are syncing product records. If its on you need to choose at least one store who's inventory will show up as the available web site inventory. You can select any number of stores that you like and their inventory will be combined to determine your web stock.


Linked App >> Magento Instance >> API Settings >> Sync Rules Tab (bottom right)



Finding Disabled Items in MicroBiz -Steps

  • From Manage Products Grid choose More Options
  • Manage Grid
  • Select Status field and click Apply
  • Change the Status Field Filter to show Inactive items.
  • Click anywhere on the grid to refresh.
  • You should be able to see your disabled items.

Creating Items in Magento - Stock Settings

  • It is recommended that you set Manage Stock to yes on your Magento Product Inventory tab. 
  • If you wish to set the MicroBiz 'Always Show in Stock' to true you have to have manage stock set to yes.
  • The Manage Stock defaults can be set in Magento System Configuration under Inventory