Use Promotions to place items on sale. Promotions let you select from dollar and percent discounts and new price to set sale pricing. The setup is easy and you can define which customers, which items, which stores and which days to which and on which the sale price applies.
Special Note: Do not discount items cannot be placed on promotion. Depending on your settings the General Discounts at the Front Register can be prohibited for items when promotional pricing is in effect.
New Promotion Steps
- Define the Promotion discount amount, dates.
- Set which stores will be part of the sale and which customers will qualify.
- Pick which items are on sale.
- Promotion Settings - these rules indicate whether additional sales may apply and what order the sale rules will be evaluated. (e.g. 25% off, take an additional 5% off if you are student in the local school).
Promotion General Rules
- Name - display name for this sale call it something so you remember what it is!
- Description - a longer description for those of you that have a lot of sales.
- Dates - the first and last days the items are on sale. If you want to designate 'no end date' you can use a date far enough into the future like 1-1-2020.
- Promotion Type - designate whether this is a %off, $off or new price promotion.
- Discount - the promotion discount - if the promotion type is % then this is the percent off; if the promotion type is $ then this is the dollars off and if the promotion type is new price then this is the new price.
- Enabled - promotions that are enabled are evaluated by the front register and sale prices are applied to qualifying transactions. Disabling the promotion turns it off/ends the promotion.
- Stores - where are the items on sale?
- Customer Type - select all customer types if the sale prices apply to everyone. If you would like to limit your sale to certain customers - select which customers will receive the sale price. (see more about this in Customer Types).
Items can be added by
- Category - select products with any selected category assigned (not just main categories).
- Supplier - products whose main supplier is the supplier selected (does not include alternate suppliers).
- Brand - products with the designated brand assigned.
- Tags - tags associated with the item in manage products categories tab.
- Item - specific UPC, SKU, Item Name, Product ID, Style or using search.
Using the Filters to Build a List
A simple sale may include everything in a single category or from a single supplier but often we want to place a mixed bag of this and that on sale. The List Builder filters are helpful in that they let you add items to your list multiple times. You can start with all hats from Joe's Hats. Set 2 filters category Hats and supplier Joe's Hats and Add these items to your list. Once you add the items to your kist the filters are reset. Now you can filter for tags and pick all items that are tagged 'Made in USA' or 'Green Bay Packers' and Add those items to the list. Finally you can use the Item filter to scan or enter specific items to add to the promotion. (Hint you can also add an item to a promotion from Manage Products).
Promotion Settings

Priority - when evaluating all the promotion rules for an item where in line is this promotion. Most of the time you want to give this a zero for first in line. If some items are on more than 1 active promotion at the same time (old expired promotions are ignored) you may want to give the promotion a 1 or a 2.
- Sort Order - the order in which promotions with the same priority are evaluated.
- Action Stop - signals the application to stop looking for more rules and applying more markdowns.
Let's look at how you would use these rules to accomplish what you want.
Priority 0: Sort Order:1 – Back to School 15% Off if Action stop is no
Priority 0: Sort Order:2 – Columbus Day Additional 5% Off
Customer would get 20% off
Priority 0: Sort Order:1 – Back to School 15% Off if Action stop is no
Priority 1: Sort Order:2 – Columbus Day Additional 5% Off
Customer would get 15% off and then 5% off of that new subtotal (19.25% off)
Priority 0: Sort Order:1 – Back to School 15% Off if Action stop is yes
Priority 1: Sort Order:2 – Columbus Day Additional 5% Off
Customer would get 15% off
Other Ways of Doing This
- Using General Discounts instead
- Changing the Price in the Product Record.
Settings That Affect This
- Product - do not discount